Avid cyclist, The Scene editor, generous volunteer, first one at the gym and ready to help beginners - our dear friend Randy passed away last month. Randy was the second person to join Pickleball El Paso when we started in January, 2022, and was an integral part of our family. He was so proud to have cycled 100 miles on January 1.
Jim Morrow: Dina and I played with Randy just six weeks before he passed. He was such a giving person with a big heart - service oriented, volunteered at Mustard Seed and helped new players. What I liked the most was the way he would dive for balls, make spectacular shots - it would make him SO happy, shouting, "Did you see that?!"
La'Ketrick: He got great satisfaction over playing with a lower level player and getting a win.
Lisa Young: I did not know him long but he played with everyone and I liked his music (La'Ketrick scoffed at this, and Randy would have trashed him back.)
Dina Chen: He has very positive messages on his website.
Dr. Laura Houston: I will always be thankful to Randy for helping me improve my game when I first came to El Paso in 2020 and we were playing at Five Set. I was post-partnum after a 2nd baby and certainly in recovery mode. Randy was patient, funny and energetic. I was skeptical - who is this guy that is diving all over the floor??! He was up to date on all the changes in pickleball so I learned a lot from him.
Rest in peace dear friend.