April 11, 2024
This Is It! This Is What We Wait For
Our new westside City Council Representative, Brian Kennedy, will be holding a Community Meeting on Wednesday, April 17, from 5:30PM - 7:00PM at the Westside Regional Command (Police Station) on Osborne. His guest speaker will be Parks and Recreation Interim Director Pablo Caballero. City Council will have pickleball facility on its agenda, possibly on April 23 (see below), and if we show up in numbers to this first meeting we can try to get Kennedy onboard by the time it hits the Council. I have tried to talk to him about pickleball a few times will little effect. He should be more impressed if 20 or more District 1 westside voters show up in a club t-shirt (or light blue, or a pickleball shirt). Take a friend - we want him to see the size of our group.
Go Ben Go - Off To City Council!
Our Vice President, Ben Avalos presented options to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for converting sites to dedicated pickleball courts. The Board is recommending that the discussion be added to the agenda for the next City Council meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, April 23. We are trying to verify that the topic is on the agenda, and if it gets added we will let everyone know so we can pack the chamber with players from every district. Remember last spring? We had about 25 people there and they noticed - the Mayor and Assistant City Manager came out to the lobby to talk with us immediately after our Call to the Public presentations, even while other groups were still presenting.
New Board Member
Please help us welcome our newest Board member Jim Rolph! Jim is from El Paso, having attended Mesita Elementary and El Paso High School. He is an accomplished Italian cook and also fluent in the language.
Jim is filling Sandy's unexpired term as Director and will be providing much needed help with all tech. Welcome Jim, and thank you for donated your time to our community!
Celebrate 🎉 - More New Pickleball Courts!
The four new multi-use courts at Ascarate are open for use! The date for the dedication is not yet set, but we will let you know as soon as we find out. This will be interesting. Whereas now, with a few multi-use courts in parks around El Paso, we have to get there before the tennis players. This is Ascarate. We will have to bring nets for the multi-use BUT - the pickleball traffic is already powerful there and tennis traffic is low. Getting to use the courts should be much easier.
Play happy,
Jamie Fisher
President, Pickleball El Paso