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LAST NEWSLETTER to 2022 Members!

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

January 25, 2023

This will be the LAST newsletter sent to 2022 members. If you received this, we do not have your renewal. Please renew now at JOIN All memberships expired December 31, 2022. This is one reason the fee is so low; in order to track individual anniversaries we would need to purchase more software. Instead, the fee is only $17 for the calendar year and all expire on the same date, December 31.

Your membership supports facility acquisition (like Ascarate) and entitles you to the latest news on facilities and events. Your board is also planning member discounts to club events!

If you do NOT want to receive the newsletter PLEASE send me an email and I will remove you from the list.

PEPA's First World Cup Format, Member Discount Event

On Saturday, February 25, PEPA will host a World Cup Format event for advanced players, 3.5 and above, at Chamizal. Members who renewed in January, 2023, will receive a $10 discount, so join today! Members, if you plan to register for this event, email to get the discount code. The code is not transferrable. Cost is $30 for non-members, $20 for members with discount code.

PEPA will host more member discount events for all levels. Since we do not have a facility we must break up the groups.

Registration is limited to 8 doubles teams any combination (FF FM MM), which will be divided into two brackets for round robin play. Winners and runners-up from each bracket will advance to a play off. Registration will open January 27, so renew your membership and request your discount code now.

Gym Tournaments

So far, Chamizal and Veteran's are both offering Valentine tournaments. Chamizal is even on a Saturday, for those of you who have been requesting. Watch the club home page for details and updates.

More Indoor courts at Chamizal!

Current Pickleball Court Indoor Chamizal
Current Chamizal Indoor Kitchens

Chamizal has two college-sized basketball courts, but only one pickleball court was lined in the middle of each, for a total of two courts.

The City has decided, however, to repaint the lines and give us a total of four indoor courts - yay! This change is expected in late January and rumor has it they may already be done.

Changes to Aaron Gifford Tournament - Las Cruces

You may have noticed the Aaron Gifford tournament is now sanctioned by US Senior Pickleball. This is a national organization that promotes pickleball, but play is NOT limited to seniors - age groups will start at 19. Location will be Lyons Park this year. Registration is through rather than

Las Cruces Pickleball Tournament
Las Cruces Pickleball Tournament

Senior Games Spread from March through September, PB in August

El Paso Parks and Recreation has decided to split the events in Senior Games. Some, like table tennis, will be played starting in late February, while others, like pickleball will be in late August. The games end September 27.

Eight More Courts Eminent at East Mesa, Las Cruces

This is a second outdoor pickleball facility being built in Las Cruces. (Apodaca is the first). Phase 1, the building of the first 8 courts, is near completion. No exact date has been given for their opening. The installation of the lights in phase II, start date unknown.

What is there to do in El Paso?

Apparently, we have a LOT of visiting pickleball players.

They email the club and ask where to play. Needing after work hours and not having packed their nets, we send them to Ascarate. (Last Tuesday) Next to Nolene we had Warren from FL in town for an extended time and his friend Raul middle back from Southern CA. Nice players. Second pic, green shirt Allen is from Burleson near Ft Worth, and NO - your eyes do not deceive you - La'Ketrick was in town last week from Silver City - YAY!

Play on,

Jamie Fisher

President, Pickleball El Paso Association

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