March 29, 2024
Heads up: All rec centers will be closed on Monday for Cesar Chavez Day.
What We Have Accomplished

Our Association is now two years old. We have come so far in those years, in the number of gyms we have access to AND the number of hours. It is timely that, as we reach this new milestone of Board elections, Ascarate is about to open the second set of (multi-use) pickleball courts (see below). Both sets of courts are the result of our club's advocacy.

Look how many people are playing! I know, crowding is a continuing problem. But our quest for a facility (and funding) is a long one, and I have been told that crowding is the bane of creating a voice for facilities.

Three of our Board members will continue to support the Association, but will be stepping down from their Director positions. We deeply thank Cheryl Salcido-Ginnings, who was vital in developing our by-laws, which were required to get a bank account. For the first t-shirt sale in March, 2022, I met a guy in a parking lot and handed him an envelope of cash - sounds exciting, but not convenient! 🤣
No worries - we got our bank account in April, 2022. Cheryl also filed for our designation as a 501(c)(3 )non-profit. Thank you, Cheryl, for creating the structure for our organization!

Sandy McDermott organized our first picnic, has called the City countless times to clean up graffiti and bird poop, has given small group lessons to newcomers, helped tape and paint lines, and provided uplifting energy and positivity. She will continue giving lessons, and be an important part of our club (and maybe still call the City to get what we need.👍🏻)

Franklin Stubbs-LeBaron has been priceless, working in the background to advocate for pickleball courts in new residential developments. He has graciously committed to continue his support.
Where We Are Headed: Election
At the next Board meeting, we will discuss the transition process. If you are interested in serving on a committee or running for the Board, you are welcome to attend. It is not required, but you must be an active member, which means you paid dues after December 1, 2023. Not everyone who receives this newsletter is current. To verify your status please contact a board member or email the club at (For security and privacy reasons I do not post any member's phone number in public documents).
The meeting will be Wednesday, April 3, noon, at Wayne Thornton (Grandview) Rec center. We are working on making a zoom link available - email us at contact if you are interesting in zooming. This is a working board, so please first consider if you can commit the time to get Association work done. Much of the board work requires business skills.
We are also in search of volunteers to help with several committees such as events, membership, marketing and promotion, and teaching. Next Wednesday's meeting is just informational as we continue to develop the transition process.
Ascarate Multi-use pickleball courts
I received an e-mail from Tim Fulton, the Interim Parks and Recreation Director for the County, saying the multi-use courts would open March 27, but there appears to be a delay. When I get a date for the dedication ceremony I will send it out. There are four sets of lines - bring your own net. They are adjacent to the permanent, dedicated courts.

Final Words On Our Tournament

Some members approached the board In January and asked if this year's spring event could be dedicated to Randy Limbird. Randy was an enthusiastic PEPA volunteer who passed away last year. PEPA netted $4,000 from this event, over half of the proceeds coming from 13 sponsors, who donated $150 each. Almost every sponsor participated because of their personal experiences with Randy. The Association donated 25% of the proceeds, or $1,000 to a charity where Randy spent much of his time, Mustard Seed Cafe, in his name. This organization provides a sit-down meal on a "pay what you can" model.

From our tournament director Patty Morrow:
Thank you for a great group effort in making the Randy Limbird Memorial tournament a great success!

**Thank you to Jamie Fisher for running the registration and updating the website!!
**Thank you to Kelly Groves for designing, ordering and organizing the T-shirts!!
**Thank you to Ben Avalos for ordering the prize medals and setting up/taking down nets!
**Thank you to Sandy McDermott for reserving the courts, scheduling cleaning and helping with donations and door prizes!
**Thank you to Becky Rodenberg for collecting donations for lunch and snacks! And for selling a large amount of T-shirts!
**Thank you to Sue Collins for helping with T-shirts sales and distribution, also providing forms and signage!!
**Thank you to Cheryl Salcido-Ginnings and Sue Connor for finding sponsors and connecting with the Bike Club community!
**Thank you to Randy’s family for coming out and sharing this special event with us!
**Thank you to all Players, Sponsors and Donors for making this a success and helping support The Mustard Seed!!
**Thank you to all the match starters/scorekeepers: Suzette Balderama, Rosario Montes-Arena, Patsy Burdick, Patty May, Cade and Justin Cleveland!

And to Tournament Director Patty Morrow:
It was a boatload of work, but you pulled it all together for some excellent exercise and community spirit.
Awesome job,
we are lucky to have you!
Play happy,
Jamie Fisher
President, Pickleball El Paso