Court Repair Scheduled for Ascarate

The county will close the four dedicated pickleball courts for an estimated 2 weeks, beginning March 17, in order to repair cracks. Based on that estimate, the dedicated courts should be available for play at the beginning of April. The multi-use courts will remain open.
Time Is Running Out -

The deadline for ordering t-shirts and registering for the Nusenda Sun Bowl tournament are both next week.
The Nusenda Sun Bowl tournament is the FIRST time El Paso has offered competition by age and skill level. Don't miss the chance to play at your level: round robin, guarantee of at least three matches. The deadline is just 6 days away. PEPA members email the club to get yout $5 discount code. It is going to be festive and fun!

T-shirts are sold only once or twice each year, and EVERY year, when the shirts are being delivered, several people will say, "Is it too late? I didn't know." PLEASE order your shirt today.
Eastside NIP for Pickleball Courts
Marty Robbins now has pickleball hours on Wednesday, in addition to Monday. If you hear of a gym changing hours please email the club at so we can update our Where To Play table.
While at Marty Robbins I got this news scoop from Jim Graham: his neighborhood association put in an NIP (Neighborhood Improvement Project) for two pickleball courts at Argal Park, 11511 Rojas. Previous newsletters have covered the NIP bond money that was approved by voters two years ago, and allows neighborhood associations to submit requests for park improvements. The westside Mary Frances Keisling Neighborhood Association has applied for two pickleball courts at the park, in an effort led by Jim Rolph. Decisions on approved projects should be coming within the next few months.
A huge shout out to ALL of the El Pasoans promoting our sport. Exercise keeps us healthy. Open play builds communities.
If you have a news story please email it to
Drop Shot Social Headed to Paul Harvey Park Tomorrow

From their Instagram post:
Join us this Saturday for an awesome day of dinks, drives, and good vibes! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, come out, play some games, and meet fellow pickleball lovers.
Date: 3/8
Location: Paul Harvey Park
Time: 10:30am - 2pm
Pickleball Travels - Are Visitors Welcome?

Speaking of open play ... while visiting Arcadia, California, I discovered a beautiful set of eight new, dedicated pickleball courts in the County Park, just .6 miles from our hotel. I was stunned to discover that open play was not offered, so visitors were (are) out of luck. For these courts, Pickleheads said "reservations available," and Places2Play said, "no paddle shelf line system set up." Open Play is not ubiquitous, and just Googling courts is not sufficient.
A park in Pasadena, however, did use open play, as indicated in Places2Play, and it had great players.
In Blue Ash, Ohio, (suburb north of Cincinnati), local residents pay state AND local income tax, and yet their City gyms require a membership for entry. Again, no tourist accommodation.
We get a steady stream of visitors passing through Ascarate. El Paso is tourist friendly.
Play happy,
Jamie Fisher
President, Pickleball El Paso Association